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Data Integration for Workforce Development | Oct. 23rd, 2024 9:00 AM PDT | Register Now

"With Sopact we have elevated our transparency and power of making data driven decisions."

The Steinman Foundation requires a centralized data system to evaluate its STEM Alliance programs' impact, as disjointed Survey Monkey responses hinder effective resource allocation and evidence-based reporting to the Board.

Key Improvements


Participation Feedback (Before)


Participation Feedback (After)
Increasing Participation and Program Efficiency

Steinman Foundation utilizes data-driven insights to increase program efficiency and reducing cost per outcome.


The Steinman Foundation is dedicated to enhancing community welfare in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, by funding programs and educational efforts that promote skill acquisition and knowledge enhancement, crucial for workforce advancement. The programs are delivered through after school hours on projects and continuously using data to learn which programs are generating maximum impact. Through after school project-based learning programs, they have three clear outcomes,

  1. Students increase their soft skills, such as Communication, Resilience, Integrity, Problem Solving, and Teamwork.
  2. Students increase their HARD skills such as Technical, Math, Science, Engineering, Coding, Robotics etc.
  3. Students increase their awareness for STEM careers.


Steinman Foundation needs to effectively harness the data from its grant-making especially STEM Alliance activities to evaluate the impact of its programs. Multiple surveys in Survey Monkey were not bringing aggregated information to see if Outcomes are realizing. Lack of all data at one place prevents resource allocation and evidence demanded by the Board members.


Leveraging the expertise of the Sopact team, the Steinman Foundation formulated,

  • Clear strategies and outcomes for their STEM initiatives.
  • Built multiple data-driven dashboards by programs and aggregated for reporting internally and externally.
  • The foundation gains critical insights into the efficacy of programs delivering STEM education.


  1. The Steinman Foundation uses a centralized dashboard to report to its Board of Directors.
  2. The program manager can now use data-driven approach to assess and allocate resources based on efficiency and effectiveness.
  3. A strong emphasis on continuous improvement and long-term impact.

The key outcomes achieved from the dashboard insights include:

  1. Increasing Participation and Program Numbers: From <10 % participant feedback to going towards >80% as a goal.
  2. Continuously keeping an eye on price per Outcome.
  3. Curated programs are selected that performed well in past.
  4. New initiatives have clear Outcome and data collection strategies defined.
  5. Fostering a culture of data in the grantees that will help them grow.

Overall, Steinman Foundation utilizes data-driven insights to maximize impact and increasing data capacity of its grantees.

Example and insights for the STEM Impact Report.
The Steinman Foundation requires a centralized data system to evaluate its STEM Alliance programs' impact, as disjointed Survey Monkey responses hinder effective resource allocation and evidence-based reporting to the Board.

"Our foundation stands out in its approach to data collection, engaging directly with stakeholders rather than depending on summarized reports from partners. With Sopact we have elevated our transparency and power of making data driven decisions. More than that, we save substantial time that was previously spent analyzing PDF reports from grantees and conserve resources only funding impactful programs. Our strategy isn't just about collecting information—it's about smarter, faster, and more resource-efficient operations."

Lauren Beal and Andrew Garner
Program and Impact Team

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SoPact has implemented an Outcome Tracker dashboard for improved internal reporting and resource allocation.